FDIME Best Poster Award Ceremony at ECIM Congress, Milan 2 September 2017
Out of 700 posters submitted 10 were chosen to report their research during the FDIME Best Poster Award Ceremony. The jury consisted of Nica Cappellini, Runolfur Palsson, Pedro Conthe and Ieva Ruza.
The prizes were presented by Runolfur Palsson (EFIM President) and Jan Willem Elte (FDIME Secretary General).
Three prizes have been awarded:
1st R. Aranda Blázquez e.a. Prognosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction treated with ACEIs: a case-control study in the community. (Puerto Royal, Spain)
2nd M. Perticone e.a. Risk reclassification ability of uric acid for cardiovascular outcomes in essential hypertension (Catanzaro, Italy)
3rd L. Cardoso e.a. Iron deficiency in acute heart failure: what is the prognostic value? (Coimbra, Portugal)