July 11, 2022

Why Iodine is important for you and your thyroid

Why do you need iodine in your food? Which food does contain iodine? What happens if you are iodine deficient? How much do you need? These are important questions because without sufficient amounts of iodine in the food your thyroid can not function normally and this has consequences. Both thyroid hormones thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronin (T3) do contain iodine (iodide) 4 and 3 molecules respectively. Without iodine no thyroid hormone can be synthesised and consequently hypothyroidism and/or goitre may develop. In case of endemic iodine deficiency even cretinism can occur. The recommended daily intake is 150 µg for an adult and a child aged 13 years or older. During pregnancy and lactation more iodine intake is required: respectively 200-250 µg and 250- 290 µg daily. It is not easy to measure on an individual basis whether a person is taking enough iodine. Iodine used to be incorpated in table salt, but with decreasing intake of salt other ways have been sought to deliver iodine. In many countries iodine is added to the salt used in the production of bread (in some countries already since many decades). Other high-iodine content foods are: fish/seafood, eggs, milk and other dairy foods. Vegans and […]
July 11, 2022

Too much is never good: how the “healthy” HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c) can turn into a bad risk

A big prospective, multicenter, cohort study, conducted in the UK and the USA with 14.478 CAD (cardiac artery disease) patients with a median follow-up of 6.7 (UK) to 8.9 (USA) years has shown that very high HDL-c paradoxically are associated with higher mortality in individuals with CAD. This was also the case with low HDL-c levels. Normally HDL-c is considered to have a protective role with concern to CAD in opposite to the “bad” LDL-c. A higher HDL-c thus is associated with a lower CAD risk. However, as it appears now a very high HDL-c shows a complete different picture and is a big risk for mortality in CAD patients. In a recent presentation at the European congress of Internal Medicine ( ECIM) from Spain a 10-year follow-up of 1.849.087 workers with a mean age of 36.7 years, 67.8 % men, was reported. It was investigated how low and high HDL-c were associated with the development of a malignant neoplasm. In this large group of working people the risk of neoplasia (fatal or not) in indivuals with extreme HDL-c appeared to be much higher (5 times) than in the group with average HDL-c. In the group with a low HDL-c […]
July 11, 2022

Moderate coffee intake is associated with lower mortality regardless of whether sugar is added

Demographic, clinical and lifestyle data were collected by the UK Biobank over the course of a year between 2009 and 2012. 171.616 adults without underlying heart disease or cancer at the start of the study did participate. Questions about the use of coffee were included. The data were analyzed and the patients were classified according to their usual coffee drinking habit. Participants (average age 55.6 years) were followed during up to 7 years. When compared to non-coffee drinkers, those who drank unsweetened coffee regularly in any amount were 16 to 21 % less likely to die. Adults who drank moderate amounts of coffee sweetened with sugar ( 1 teaspoon, 1,5 – 3,5 cups per day) were 29 to 31 % less likely to die. Results were inconclusive for those who added artificial sweeteners to their coffee. This was an observational study and may have missed important factors. Confounding variables such as differences in socioeconomic status, diet, and other lifestyle factors may impact findings. Coffee drinking patterns were from over a decade before in a country where many drink tea. So a comparison with other countries might not be easy. The average amount of daily sugar per cup of coffee is […]
September 27, 2022
Black tea might be good for your health!

Black tea might be good for your health!

A UK study was conducted among half a million people, all participants in a large cohort study called “UK Biobank” from 2006 and 2010. Dietary questionnaires were administered at enrollment and during follow-up of median 11.2 years about tea-drinking habits, specifically about the number of cups of tea and other drinks and also about drinking the tea very hot, hot or warm. Information on death and cause of death were also gathered from the participants. Eighty five percent of the participants reported tea drinking, 89 % of those who reported tea type drank black tea. When compared to non-tea drinkers, those who took 2 or more cups daily had 9 to 13 % lower risk for CVD and other mortality. Tea drinking had a beneficial effect on mortality regardless of whether they drank coffee or not. Adding milk or sugar to tea and altered (lowered) caffeine metabolism rate did nor affect the results. Unmeasured confounding factors could influence tea-drinking behavior and the risk of death, but probably did not attenuate the associations found. The findings of this study suggest that (black) tea drinking may be associated with modestly lower mortality. There is no definitive proof that tea drinking directly reduced […]
October 31, 2022
Statins rarely cause muscle pain

Statins rarely cause muscle pain

Statins are widely used all over the world since decades and are effective in lowering bloodcholesterol values and preventing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Usually they are well tolerated, but disturbing reports about muscle pain, mainly in the first year of use and in a rather high percentage of patients,  have appeared over the years. A recent meta-analysis, however, reports that more than 90 % of all muscle symptoms by patients taking statins were not due to the drug. Nineteen large long-term, randomized, double-blind trials of statin therapy involving 123,940 patients and four double-blind trials of a more intensive versus a less intensive statin regimen involving 30,724 patients were examined. Treatment duration was at least two years. In the placebo-controlled trials with an average follow-up of 4.3 years 16,835 (27.1 %) on a statin and 16,446 (26.6%) on a placebo reported muscle pain or weakness. In the first year of therapy statins were associated with a 7 % relative increase in muscle complaints, an absolute rate excess rate of 11 events per 1,000 person-years. It was concluded that only one in fifteen reports of muscle-related adverse effects allocated to statin use were actually caused by  the statin. After the first year no […]
October 31, 2022
Nonfasting vs fasting lipid testing

Nonfasting vs fasting lipid testing

For many years it has been standard to test bloodlipid levels in the fasting state. However, since 2009 starting in Denmark the utility of nonfasting testing became the test of choice. It is good to realize that except for a few hours in the morning, most of the people spend the majority of their lives in the nonfasting state. Moreover, it is much more convenient for patients not to have to come back for fasting testing, healthcare delivery is more streamlined and evoked hypoglycemia in patients with diabetes is avoided. Several studies of fasting vs nonfasting lipid testing have shown that the differences between fasting and nonfasting lipidlevels are limited and that most of them do not change substantially after eating. It is good to realize that non-HDL cholesterol is now considered to be a better predictor of cardiovascular disease risk than LDL chlesterol. Even more important is that a large evidence-based review of published literature from over 300,000 individuals found equal lipid relationship for predicting incident CVD events using nonfasting lipids. Another trial reported high concordance of fasting and nonfasting lipid levels for classifying participants into appropiate ASCVD (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease) risk categories (94.8 %). According to the authors, […]
January 19, 2023
Benefits of inefficient walking: Monty Python-inspired experimental study

Benefits of inefficient walking: Monty Python-inspired experimental study

Source: BMJ2022;379: e072833 (GA Gaesser et al, Phoenix, AZ, USA) Recent research has confirmed results which have in fact been known for a long time. The walk of Mr Teabag (John Cleese) and Mr Putey (Michael Palin) in the legendary Monty Python Ministry of Silly Walks (MoSW) skit in 1970 were duplicated in 13 healthy adults (22 – 71 years, six women and seven men) with no known gait disorders. Participants performed three 5 minute walks around an indoor 30 m course in an exercise physiological laboratory. The first trial consisted of walking at a freely chosen speed. The next two trials consisted of low efficiency walks similar to the ones of Mr Teabag and Mr Putey (Figure).  The famous silly walks of Mr Teabag (the fictive Minister of Silly Walks) can be described as walking with bow knees, throwing the legs in the air every few steps, and walking backwards sometimes before walking on. The walks of Mr Putey were less pronounced. Ventilation and gas exchange were recorded and collected to determine oxygen uptake (VO₂) and energy expenditure (EE), which were the main outcome measures. VO₂ and EE were about 2.5 times higher during the Teabag walk, but not […]
February 20, 2023
Should sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2-i) be the first choice in the treatment of diabetes type 2?

Should sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2-i) be the first choice in the treatment of diabetes type 2?

Should sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2-i) be the first choice in the treatment of diabetes type 2? Jan Willem Elte The Netherlands For many years metformin has been the first choice drug in the treatment of diabetes type 2  after, of course, life style modifications have been applied. Recently, however, new classes of diabetes drugs have been investigated.  A new consensus report on the management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes developed and published by the joint scientific associations of diabetes in Europe (EASD) and the United States (ADA) has appeared (published in Diabetes Care 2022). This report now recommends that patients with cardiorenal (heart and kidney ) risks should start with a SGLT2-i or a GLP1-RA ( glucagonlike peptide1-receptor agonist) with proven CVD (cardiovascular disease) benefit. In heart failure (HF) SGLT2-i is prefered. A combination of SGLT2-i and GLP1-RA may also be considered in patients with a very high atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk. Use of both agents is recommended independent of HbA1,c, even if not on metformin. It should, however, be realized that the agents (GLP1-RA even more than SGLT2-i) are expensive. Before going into somewhat more detail, it is good to define what is meant by high […]
March 9, 2023


Verena Briner, Switzerland Paracelsus, a famous physician of the 16th century, wrote ‘everything is poison and nothing is poison. It is a question of the dose’. It is true in alcohol consumption. Factors such as gender, cultural reasons, comorbidities and genetics may contribute to alcohol toxicity. The danger of alcohol consumption lies primarily in alcohol addiction, leading to chronic abuse and organ damage. This results in impaired function of the brain and nerves, the heart, the liver, the pancreas, gastro-intestinal tract, immune system and metabolism. In addition, chronic heavy drinking affects family life, work and causes often economic problems. Alcohol is absorbed fast and about 15 minutes after consumption reaches all organs of the body. Alcohol is mainly metabolized in the liver. However, in the stomach and intestine, alcohol results in the production of acetaldehyde (ACD). The ACD formed is an important factor in alcohol dependence. ACD also increases the release of mediators (histamine and bradykinin) to cause flushing. The of ACD is most severe in the brain and the heart. Abstinence from alcoholcauses increase in calcium uptake in  the cells, causing arrythmia, tremor and even seizures. ACD does not pass the blood-brain barrier. In heart muscle, alcohol causes inflammation […]